I'm devoting this section of my website to promote Plunker through helpful code walk-throughs for anyone that wants to see some of my source code and how it works. You're free to use anything I've provided in your own projects. I hope that reading through some of these walk-throughs will also serve as a brief portfolio that highlights just a few of my solo developer accomplishments. Please note that everything I am releasing here only accounts for a very small portion of Plunker and I am not afraid of anyone stealing or competing with my games by using this. My philosophy is that even if someone made a game with all of the provided source, it won't capture the important defining features of Plunker and that it can only ever make someone else's game better.
For premade Unity assets/tools you can look at my assets page.
"When finding the fastest path in a 3D environment, one may hear mention of something called A-Star search algorithms. This is an abstract extension of Dijkstra's algorithm for finding the fastest path between two nodes using heuristics. I'm going to focus on my own implementation of Dijkstra's Algorithm. School teaches you algorithms like these in a conceptual way, but often you realize that the concepts require a lot of work to apply to real life niche solutions. Dijkstra wasn't thinking of massive sand creatures navigating a maze to hunt down a player character on their own, but because his conceptual algorithm is abstract and vague, it can be applied to many things with some thought and work..."
"In any art-form, it's important to identify a focal point and spend extra time adding an appropriate amount of detail and work to it in order to bring life and personality to your project..."
"When you shake a balloon it should jiggle, it should deform from the water sinking on one side or the other based on gravity and how the player is tilting it, and it should pop in a satisfying way. Water balloons are satisfying to pop. Keep that in mind when you're designing things based on 'satisfying feelings', what is it that is satisfying, what is supposed to be enjoyable about this thing? "
This section is mostly completed
"Often times one will need to slice out a piece of terrain since it is not stored or processed as a 3D model in Unity. You may want to make models that will be place somewhere in your level and may need to build around exact measurements to get the right fit (Example: a cave in a mountain that blends into the terrain). You may need to get a section of terrain saved as a high poly model so that you can make an extremely low poly version that can be used as a mesh collider teleport surface for VR which is what I was using it for. This is a fantastic example of an editor tool that saves a lot of time (an estimated 80% of relevant modeling time) with trial and error. This also highlights my understanding of creating useful tools that can be distributed to a team and used all over the place. As a solo developer, sadly this didn't get as much use as it could have, but I hope that whoever views this guide will make more use out of it now."
This section will be completed next
"This section will offer various tools and insights in VR game development and useful functions that I find myself using all the time to speed up testing and development."
I'm an indie developer and I have sacrificed a lot to persue game development full time. If you like my games or any of my guides have helped you, then please support me so that I can continue to grow and make even better content in the future.
If you have extra money, feel free to throw a few bucks my way! On the other hand, if you're tight on cash, then shoot me an email, and I'll send you a free copy of any of my assets to help you on your own journey.